Utopolis - Aufbruch der Tiere
![utopolis picture](logos4/uto_4.png)
- Company: Reality Twist GmbH
- Role: Creative Direction, Gamedesigner
- Platform: Android, IOS Smartphones/Tablets
- Working period: June - September 2015
Game Description
Utopolis is a free-to-play multiplayer online game for smartphones and tablets. In group constelations of either 15 or 25 players you have to achieve different level goals together. This game focuses highly on communication and teamwork amongst the players to be able to win the game.
Within the Update of 2015 the adventure continues with new levels presenting new challenges for the players.
Visit the official Website for more information about the game.
Detailed Information about my Tasks
Creative Gamedesign
- Composing and tending Game Design Document for the Update 2015.
- Defining substance of new levels (story-wise and art-wise).
- Defining and balancing new levelsgoals as well as balancing of existent gameplay.
- Picking out music tracks for new levels.
- Supervising Artist & Coders.
- QA: testing and bugtracking.
- Continuation of the contentual story from level 7 onwards.
- Writing story dialogues.
Particle Effects
- Creating new particle effects for new levels.
- Implementing those particles in the Unity scene.